$82.00 - $82.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
My Mare Responded Very Well

Noticed a difference right away. She was less nippy with my gelding during heat.

The answer for my young horses!

I have a 5y/o mare who was a premature foal and has had a few health issues. One of them has been some pretty colicy heats with big behavioral changes, pain, and actual gas colics. I has tried her on Mare Majic, some other herbs with varying success but she was still struggling and in pain. I chose to do a consult with Dr. Wellspring and she sent me a trial of Whoa Girl. It was the answer! I got my first bag in early March when her first hard core spring heat comes, she was great! For the first heat she was much more relaxed and never showed a sign of colic. Her second heat on Whoa Girl was even better. She has been on it daily for about 3 months now and you can't even tell when she is in heat! I also have 2 young geldings that still get extra excited in the spring, they were driving me nuts and I gave them each Whoa Girl and within 2 days they were back to being their normal chill selves. LOVE Whoa Girl for them all!

Big help!

Two different times I have used this for 2 months each and it has been a lifesaver! First time I used it when I moved my mare to a new barn and she went nuts and felt even dangerous to be around due to the 2 geldings she was in the pasture with. Second time was again when she was pasture mates with a new gelding. It helped to calm and ground her both times. Once she was rebalanced I didn't feel I needed to continue with it.