2022 Wild Fed Photo Contest Winners
By Samantha Wellspring
We are thrilled to announce our 2022 Will Fed Photo contest winner, Cowboy, a 19 yr. old gelding Quarter horse owned by Brittany LaCour. Brittany’s photo embodies a natural and peaceful setting showcasing such a healthy and thriving horse. Cowboy is truly a Wild Fed spokes model with his shiny coat, beautiful musculature, kind eyes and relaxed demeanor. The composition is considered and the quality of the photo is excellent. We just love looking at Cowboy as he relaxes in this serene natural setting! Brittany shared that "Cowboy was starting to lose a little of his easy keeper figure when he turned 18. Adding Wild Fed products to his diet has keeps him looking amazing as he starts to put on the years.
Our 2nd place winner is Nativo I Rey , an 11 yr. old PRE (pura raza espanola) stallion. Nativo I Rey is a winner all the way around, having just won CDS Stallion of the year. We love everything about this photo. Nativo is a beautiful horse and the composition of this photograph reflects the strong connection between horse and human. Submitted by Madison Wagner, who is also in the photo, we think this duo makes for a powerful, yet sentimental photograph.
Madison says of Wild Fed, "We love it! I put all my training horses on it as the feed for any additional supplements. My guys love it soupy and mashy. Nativo has absolutely thrived on it and gained weight well. He’s a hard keeper because he’s a stallion and in intense work. Wild Fed is the most incredible product to keep his healthy weight on him.

Congratulations to our 3rd place winner Marilyn the Mule and owner Samantha Youngblood. Marilyn the Mule is, of course, technically not a horse, but her regal bearing and flowing tail set against a magnificent sunset make for a beautiful photograph. We love Samantha Youngblood’s framing of this bucolic scene and think that Marilyn, her 20 year old Mule deserves her place in the sun! Samantha is a long time Wild Fed customer and Dealer in Indiana and says " Excellent feed that has helped keep our long ears happy and healthy. Samantha's other two animals Luther ( a mule who camee from a working Amish farm) and Fritz (a donkey who was a neglect case) have both done wonderful on Wild Fed.

The winner of our Reader's Choice Award is the stunning Rockin' Amadeus, submitted to us by owner, Andrea Alexander. This incredible Gypsy Cob Stallion is 41/2 years old and is truly a Wild Fed horse! Says Andrea, "I feed Wild Fed to all of my horses. I brought him home at five months old and he has been eating it ever since. It makes his coat super shiny, even when he’s dirty. He absolutely loves it. He knickers at me every day when he sees me coming with his bucket of Wild Fed. It has been his mid day meal every day, for almost his whole life. A little bit goes a long way, after soaking, I’m always surprised how much I get from a small amount of the pellets. With all of the wonderful ingredients, it alleviates the need to add a lot of extra supplements."
Thank you to everone who took the time to enter the contest! We have loved seeing your beautiful horses and hearing your Wild Fed stories! And remember, throughout the year, when you see that perfect shot, go ahead and take the photo so you'll be ready for next year's contest! Great prizes await!