Wild Fed Horse Whoa Girl Hormone Support for Mares Herbal Supplement
$82.00 USD
Whoa Girl: Hormone support for Mares
Common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in Mares are:
Irritability, agitation, unpredictable behavior, increased sensitivity, restlessness, poor focus, vocalizing, aggression, depression, anxiety, colic, cramps, chronic cycling, frequent urination or unwillingness to be ridden.
The synergistic blend of herbs in Whoa Girl may be beneficial in rebalancing estrogen and progesterone levels, calming and uplifting the mood of your mare. Expect to see some results after 1 month which should continue to improve. After 3 months the hormonal reboot should be complete and you may be able to discontinue formula or lower the dosage. This formula can be used seasonally but should not be needed year-round.
Severe Hormonal Imbalance- 2 scoops 2x/day
Mild Hormonal imbalance- 1 scoop 2x/day
For a large horse >1100lbs with severe hormonal imbalance you may use up to 3 scoops 2x/day
Dong Quai, Vitex, Chamomile, Blue vervain, Red Raspberry leaf, Dandelion root, Burdock Root
I have a 5y/o mare who was a premature foal and has had a few health issues. One of them has been some pretty colicy heats with big behavioral changes, pain, and actual gas colics. I has tried her on Mare Majic, some other herbs with varying success but she was still struggling and in pain. I chose to do a consult with Dr. Wellspring and she sent me a trial of Whoa Girl. It was the answer! I got my first bag in early March when her first hard core spring heat comes, she was great! For the first heat she was much more relaxed and never showed a sign of colic. Her second heat on Whoa Girl was even better. She has been on it daily for about 3 months now and you can't even tell when she is in heat! I also have 2 young geldings that still get extra excited in the spring, they were driving me nuts and I gave them each Whoa Girl and within 2 days they were back to being their normal chill selves. LOVE Whoa Girl for them all!
Two different times I have used this for 2 months each and it has been a lifesaver! First time I used it when I moved my mare to a new barn and she went nuts and felt even dangerous to be around due to the 2 geldings she was in the pasture with. Second time was again when she was pasture mates with a new gelding. It helped to calm and ground her both times. Once she was rebalanced I didn't feel I needed to continue with it.