Wild Fed Breathe Freely Organic Herbal Horse Supplement
$76.00 USD
This herbal combination may be beneficial in calming hyper-responsive airways as seen in horses with Heaves. Heaves is a chronic non-infectious respiratory disorder that is triggered by inhaled particles. It can often be triggered by molds, dust, and chemicals which trigger an allergic-type reaction in the lungs.
The herbs in this formula may be beneficial in:
- reducing inflammation
- dilating the bronchioles to allow for better airflow
- modulating the immune system
- reducing spasms in chest
- relieving pain
- reducing the production of mucus thus calming the cough
Organic Black Cumin Seed, Organic Licorice, Organic Holy Basil, Organic Horehound, Organic Lungwort, Organic Plantain, Organic Fenugreek, Organic Ginger, Love and Prayers
HORSES – Start with 2 tbsps 2x/day for 1 week then reduce to 1 tbsp 2x/day
If you are not able to administer 2 x/day you can do 2 scoops 1x/day as maintenance
A little too early to tell, but the horse is eating it (he eats everything) and his respiratory issues seem to be calming down.
I have a mustang filly who was born prematurely with underdeveloped lungs. Every summer when it get hot and dry she gets a bad cold if not pneumonia. I had been using some of the other wild fed products with great results and saw Breathe Freely and knew I had to try it for her. Once again, no disappoint! The year I first tried it, my filly was 3 and had the worst pneumonia I had seen, she could barely walk! We started her on antibiotics and after 4 days I received Breathe Freely and started it as well. She was improving on the antibiotics, but seamed to perk up much faster and was back to normal within 3 days of starting this herb! She was 100% back to normal tearing around the dusty field like with her brothers without even so much as a snort. All of that only 7 days after barely being able to walk! That was 2 years ago, and now anytime I see a runny nose or a cough she gets Breathe Freely for a few days and she is back to normal!
If you have a horse with HEAVES, NOTHING WORKS LIKE THIS TO PROVIDE RELIEF!! I have had 2 horses that developed Heaves in old age from eating from large round bales. One never recovered and lost body condition to the point of me having to put him down. The other I tried everything with and had the dreaded feeling I was going down the same road. My wonderful vet said that her customers swore by BREATHE FREELY. I thought "how could a bunch of herbs work better than massively expensive Heaves medication" (which didn't really work very well)?? To my surprise my skinny old guy started putting on weight and even developing topline again! He still coughs a little at the start of riding but then none. Even on very long strenuous rides! Body condition is what really goes downhill when a horse has Heaves. This is the only thing that enabled him to gain weight again. It is really miraculous! The only tip I have for you is to not scrimp on dosage. Follow the directions exactly for the best results. Also, minimize dust breathing. I took my horse off hay and just bucket feed him. He cannot digest hay anymore anyway (nubs for teeth). TRY BREETHE FREELY, YOU WILL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!!!!
We have two horses that have benefited so much from this product! We have one mare that has year round COPD/Heaves and was to the point of needing an inhaler as we had exhausted all meds. She is now only on this product and we are able to take her off of it in the winter. We have another gelding that has fall COPD/Heaves and starting him a month before our fall starts keeps him good through the season. We live along the FL Gulf Coast so we have high humidity the majority of the year just for reference :)
Hi there...i took your advice and was able to get the breathe freely in my horse...
It is a miracle!! He was just days away from me having to make the hard choice to put him down. He was that bad! I have told everyone i know about your products, including my vet. She said she was going to recommend it to her clients that have horses with heaves. We live in Florida and there are tons of horses afflicted with it in the summer and fall. My guy is completely off the albuterol inhaler and the shots of dex.
Thank you so much for saving my horse!!